EECS 545: Machine Learning
Graduate course, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Michigan, 2025
This is a graduate introduction to Machine Learning.
I am a Graduate Student Instructor for the Winter 2025 offering of this course under Professor Honglak Lee. Here’s a brief outline of the course content.
- Introduction
- Regression (Linear regression, Gradient descent, Maximum likelihood)
- Classification (kNN, Naive Bayes, LDA, Logistic regression)
- Kernel methods (KDE, SVMs)
- Regularization (L1 and L2, Feature selection, Bias-Variance tradeoff)
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning (Perceptron, MLP, Backpropagation, CNNs, RNNs, Transformers)
- Learning Theory (Sample complexity, VC Dimension, PAC Learning, Error bounds)
- Unsupervised Learning (k-Means, GMMs, Expectation Maximization, PCA, ICA, Dimensionality reduction, Autoencoders, GANs)
- Reinforcement Learning (MDPs, Value & Policy iteration, Policy gradient, Deep RL, Human feedback, Direct preference optimization)