CSE 572: Randomness & Computation
Graduate course, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Michigan, 2024
This is a graduate course on randomized algorithms.
I was a Graduate Student Instructor for the Fall 2024 offering of this course under Professor Nikhil Bansal. Here’s an outline of the course content.
- Basic Algorithms (checking identities, fingerprinting and pattern matching, primality testing, randomized min-cut, graph algorithms)
- Probabilistic Method (linearity of expectation, second moment method, Chernoff bounds, Lovasz local lemma)
- Occupancy problems (balls into bins, power of two choices, hashing)
- Algorithms for big data (unbiased estimators, streaming and sketching, frequency moments, JL transform)
- Online Learning (experts, bandits, online convex optimization, stochastic gradient descent)
- Interactive Proofs (graph non-isomorphism, number of unsatisfying assignments)
- Derandomization (conditional probability, k-wise independence, pseudorandom generators)
- Random walks (hitting time, 2-SAT, 3-SAT)
- Linear Algebra (fast linear regression, spectral sparsification)
- Approximation (LP/SDP rounding, basic spectral theory and optimization)
- Complexity (PCP theorem (simpler version))